Photograph/Video Permission

    Schoolhouse Learning Center will take photographs or videos of the children participating in our program from time to time. These may appear in various news releases, websites and other public materials (for example: brochures, coupons, documenting daily activities for assessment purposes, classroom purposes, trainings, and websites).

    I give Schoolhouse Learning Center permission to take photos or videos for the purposes listed above.

    I give Schoolhouse Learning Center permission to post my child's picture or video on the center's Facebook page.

    FREE REGISTRATION at initial enrollment.

    When submitting your completed enrollment packet to the center director, mention the code 'FREE REGISTRATION' and receive a one time credit for free registration. This offer is for new families only.

    Note: Upon Availability.

    Contact Us

    Schoolhouse Learning Center is hiring at all of our locations for full and part time staff. No experience necessary. We will train. Benefit package included. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.