Your child's growth and development is measured with developmental assessments. If your child currently has an IEP/IFSP, it would be beneficial to share a copy of this plan with us so we can provide consistency in your child's care.

    You do not have to provide this information if you do not wish to do so.

    Yes, my child has an IEP/IFSP.No, my child does NOT have an IEP/IFSP.

    I am providing a copy of my child's IEP or IFSP.I am NOT providing a copy of my child's IEP or IFSP.

    By signing below I give permission for anyone working with my child to communicate with Schoolhouse Learning Center regarding my child's plan and for a representative from Schoolhouse to be present at any team meetings regarding that plan.

    FREE REGISTRATION at initial enrollment.

    When submitting your completed enrollment packet to the center director, mention the code 'FREE REGISTRATION' and receive a one time credit for free registration. This offer is for new families only.

    Note: Upon Availability.

    Contact Us

    Schoolhouse Learning Center is hiring at all of our locations for full and part time staff. No experience necessary. We will train. Benefit package included. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.