Child Tylenol Policy

    Dear Parents:

    Occasionally a child will develop a high “fever at the spur of the moment.” After taking the child's temperature, we will call the parent or guardian if it is 100.4 degrees or above. We will then ask you if we can administer Tylenol and what dosage we should give your child. You will then be required to pick up your child. The teacher will administer the medication and write it in the medication log. When you arrive, you will be asked to sign the medication log.

    In the event we are unable to reach you and the temperature is 103 degrees or your child has a seizure, a Schoolhouse Learning Center employee will call 911. It is because we are aware of the effects a high temperature can have on a child that we have decided to follow this procedure.

    Schoolhouse Learning Center does not supply Tylenol. Please be sure to give your child's teacher a bottle we may keep at school. We cannot accept medication that is not in the original container. Please label the bottle with your child's name.

    I agree, that I will inform at drop off and through Tadpoles of any medication I have administered to my child prior to the arrival at the center.

    FREE REGISTRATION at initial enrollment.

    When submitting your completed enrollment packet to the center director, mention the code 'FREE REGISTRATION' and receive a one time credit for free registration. This offer is for new families only.

    Note: Upon Availability.

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    Schoolhouse Learning Center is hiring at all of our locations for full and part time staff. No experience necessary. We will train. Benefit package included. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.